Name the Top Ten Tasks of SQLSERVER : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Can anyone tell me the Top Ten Tasks/Qualities of a SQLSERVER DBA ?Thanks in Advance...Vic
-- Anonymous, April 15, 1999
Vic,Here is how I describe my job on my resume: Providing SQL Server Database Administration support for Washington State Department of Transportation, Management Information Services. The databases administered are on 4 NT/SQL Servers in 170 databases, requiring a total of 27 GB of disk storage. These database servers have a total of 12,500 user logins.
The wide range of services I provide for this SQL Server / PowerBuilder Client environment includes: creating, expanding, renaming, moving, and dropping databases; troubleshooting SQL Applications; creating and assisting with stored procedures; restoring databases from backup; adding and changing SQL Server logons, users, and groups; and converting Access Databases to SQL Server Databases.
In addition to the duties above, I have created applications in PowerBuilder calling Dynamic Linked Libraries that I have written in C++ to provide a means of calling Windows API functions to securely authenticate application users (using Security Service Provider Interface). I have also used ColdFusion to create an intranet website detailing database administration services I provide and allowing remote site administrators to verify the current status of end user accounts before requesting changes. [In addition, I have just added a web page where individual users can create SQL accounts for themselves and will soon build a web pages where administrators can create multiple accounts for users.]
Here is how my job is described in my CQ (Classification Questionnaire): This position reports directly to the manager of Data Resource Management, and functions as the department's SQL Server Data Base Administrator. As SQL Server Data Base Administrator, this position is responsible for the implementation of department-wide SQL Server databases and the administration of the department's SQL Server Data Base Management System. This position acts at the technical consultant for the department's development staff in SQL Server database matters. This position provides technical support of WSDOT data base management policies and procedures, and other data base related products and procedures.
30% Provides expertise, direction, and consultation for the WSDOT SQL Server Data Base Management Systems and related products. Provides administration for the WSDOT SQL Server Data Base Management Systems and related products, including creating, expanding, renaming, moving and dropping databases, adding and changing SQL Server logins and users, and converting Access databases to SQL Server databases.
20% Seeks opportunities for process improvements in daily activities, including improvement of database security, both by providing technical solutions, and by educating management about the need for improvement.
15% Communicates process for obtaining database access in a way that streamlines the process. Provides tools that allow site administrators to grant database access more quickly to users.
10% Provides development and implementation database support for WSDOT client/server applications. Troubleshoots SQL based applications.
10% Supports development of web based access to SQL Server databases.
10% Monitors, manages and maintains WSDOT SQL Server databases for efficient and effective operation. Creates and troubleshoots SQL stored procedures to assure correctness and high performance
5% Other duties as required.
Hope this helps,
-- Anonymous, April 16, 1999