E3 Gossip

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

For those going to the E3 show in Cali. the 2nd week of May (Angry), Keep your eyes open for Twin Galaxies being a big part of the event! Especially with Midway Games. Midway games is working with Twin Galaxies in putting together a National Hydro Thunder tournement in the near future. This game is Midway's current title and perhaps one of there best to date! My friend Danny Rodriguez is going and plans on putting on a little show. Some of the record time's recorded so far on this game are his and there the best to date. Twin Galaxies will also be logging down scores on tons of games to put in the next edition of the book of world records. So Angry, you might get your shot afterall! :) I will keep everyone posted about the NH toueney when I come back. Hope to still see a few marpers. Tons of people have allready registered for the event, and dozens of them are very known players. The Ms Pacman, Bezerk, and Pacman champ, the DK, Dk Jr, and Centipede, champ, and the Galaga, Tetris, and Arkanoid champ. Just to name a few.

Regards, Steve Krogman

-- stephen krogman (skrogman@concentric.net), April 15, 1999


E3 = work for me. While I will get a few chances to walk the show floor and see many of the games out there, 90% of my time will be devoted to business. :(


-- Angry (angry@thq.com), April 15, 1999.

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