Residents Hear Tips for Surviving Disasters --- Chicago Tribune : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


" Lisle Mayor Ronald Ghilardi told that to one resident who was concerned with how one potential disaster--Y2K-- might affect her life.

Both said the towns are preparing for Y2K problems, and are confident those will be minimal. Information will be filtered out to residents via newsletters or the press.

The main concern, they said, is how Commonwealth Edison Co. will handle the problem. Lisle has prepared by renting a generator to power its water supply--just in case.

"Have some confidence in what the towns are doing to prepare," Ghilardi said, "but realize that things can happen." (snip)

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Another good quote: "They couldn't believe this could happen to them," said French. "But it could happen to them. It could happen to me. It could happen to all of us. We just have to be prepared."

-- Deborah (, April 09, 1999

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