RAM buffer and time between shots with CoolPix 950

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Ok, so I've heard there is a HUGE(48MB?) RAM buffer in the 950. But what I really wan't to know is: Are you gonna go my way? :-) Sorry, the song is quite catchy...

No really, what I want to know is if it works like the Minolta EX 1500. Does it let you keep shooting to the buffer and then compresses and stores the image in it's idle times or is the RAM just used for the Burst Mode? If it is the last case how much time does it keep you waiting ? The announced 2-3 seconds is a little vague...

Thanks in advance...

-- Duarte Bruno (duarte@dgsi.pt), April 07, 1999


I'm pretty sure we have full cycle-time info in the EX-1500's review. Whatever we report there (2-3 seconds sounds about right) is the interval between successive shots when NOT in burst mode. (Burst mode is much faster.) You get to take something like 7 full-resolution shots at 2-3 second intervals before you have to wait for the data to flush to the card.

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), April 13, 1999.

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