I want to know about the digital photojournalism medium?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I am a photojournalism student at Rochester Institute of Technology, who is doing a research paper on digital photojournalism. I would appreciate any information anyone is willing to supply on the subject including personal experiences in the feild.

-- Jessica Mills (jtm6596@rit.edu), April 06, 1999


Whilst I am unable to contribute an answer Jessica, I am a student studying in Nottingham england who is undertaking a strikingly similar project- The implications of digital technology in photojournalism. If you would like to exchange ideas please dont hesitate to contact me.

-- paul howell (paul_howell@hotmail.com), October 07, 1999.

I am just starting a dissertation on how digital technology has had an impact in the field of photojournalism. anything you have learned while completing this paper would be very helpful

-- lance burke (lancemburke@hotmail.com), May 11, 2004.

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