Requesting comments on my : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
Hello! I have been away from photography for a few years and have lately found my desire to return increasing. However, I am feeling sort of lost in terms of direction, not knowing where my interests, talents and vision truly lie. I have posted several of my favorite and best photographs from my past experiences at my homepage and would be very interested in hearing comments about them, in terms of what works best, what is conveyed to others, and then perhaps I would be better able to focus myself and once again find my true direction. Any and all comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!Thank you!
-- Mindy Getch (, March 28, 1999
I checked out your site. Since this is not an HTML-critique forum I'll get right to the photography......The very first shot - 5th grade pinhole - is by far the coolest image. And I hate it when that happens. Kind of makes it difficult justifying the "intentional" ones, if only to yourself. But then I've never been one to hang a whole lot of hat on "artistic intent".
The "experiment" one at the end is kind of neat, too. I really like the ultra-hi contrast. Hope that was intentional and not just bad web. Looks like you have a "look" but I have to agree that some vision/direction is needed. I like the ominous, surreal qualities of those two images. I have tried for ominous/surreal with very flat light, and have garnered D. Lynch comparisons on occasion as well. (see link below) Susan Sonntag has a chapter on surrealism and photography that is quite interesting (and perhaps inspiring) in her book "On Photography".
-- don minton (, March 28, 1999.
Mindy,I can't help but notice that your "old photos" seem to be full of experimentation and an obvious curiosity in photography. These aspects appear to be missing in your Hawaii and Twin Peaks shots. I would suggest that you look to other photographers for inspiration. An easy way to do this is to make a trip to your local library, and spend a few hours thumbing through photography books by some of the great photographers. Also, study your old photographs carefully. Ask yourself why photography seemed so interesting to you then, and then try to evaluate how you can regain that renewed zest for the craft. In any event do not stop taking photographs. Sooner or later you will regain your passion.
-- Josh Randall (, April 09, 1999.