Question about Carol, Doug and the episode 3/25/ : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I was wondering, if anyone had any information on how the situation with Carol pregnent is going to work out? I was also wondering if Doug and Carol offically broke-up. Any information that would help me I would love.
-- Sherrie-Anne (, March 26, 1999
I was just wondering if you think Carol will actually have the baby with no complcations. Like if she will have a miscarage or anything like that. Also are Carol and Doug no longer an item?
-- Kristen Thomas (, March 26, 1999.
How ironic that after trying for quite awhile (like a year) to have a baby with Doug, she finally gets pregnant, right before he leaves her! She hasn't told him about the baby yet; she said that she wants to get through the first trimester (did hear the first heartbeat last week, though). Yes, it seems that he officially broke up with her since she decided she couldn't leave her job in Chicago, plus family and friends, to travel with him to wherever (Phoenix?) so he could restart his career. Carol is still recovering emotionally but she's happy she decided to keep the baby.
-- Kristen Ham (, May 03, 1999.
I think that Carol will have the twins without any complications, even though I too thought it was ironic for her too find out she was pregnant right after Doug left. No I don't think he broke up with her, because she is still wearing the ring he gave her. We can hope he will return for Carol and the babies in Series 6.
-- Sara Mitchell (, June 19, 1999.
I think it'd be too easy for Carol to deliver these twins to no complications. Something's bound to happen. Its the way the writers tend to work. Just like baby Reese was born 2 months early...something is bound to go wrong with this pregnancy as well. It keeps viewers watching.
-- random person (no, June 22, 1999.
I think it'd be too easy for Carol to deliver these twins to no complications. Something's bound to happen. Its the way the writers tend to work. Just like baby Reese was born 2 months early...something is bound to go wrong with this pregnancy as well. It keeps viewers - Why do we have to put in our email addresses? I like my privacy. :P I was going to put in a fake one till I saw that little note at the bottom. Obviously others have tried it too. hrmph.
-- random person (, June 22, 1999.
If there's any truth to the recurring comments that George Clooney's scheduled to return for at least three/four guest appearances next fall, then I would have to say- NO, they haven't broken up yet. Also, I keep reading that Julianna Marguelies (Carol) is leaving at the end of 2000 also. Perhaps she'll ride into the sunset with Doug and babies.
-- Chris A. (, June 24, 1999.
I read that Clooney has agreed to appear in four episodes in the sixth series. There has been no closure on the relationship between Doug and Carol, everything has been left open-ended. Of course, the writers could be keeping us in suspense to ensure ratings but I think we can safely say that we will have a happy ending in the sixth series.
-- Clare Taylor (, July 02, 1999.