Change prices allowed?? : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

My name is Paul and I4m testing the script, s-mart.cgi. I do really think it4s nice but I have a question about it and wonder if somebody could give me a hint. I can save the order-form (i.e order.html) change price and submit the order-form with wrong price. Is it possible to unable customers to do that?


-- Paul Szentes (, March 26, 1999


Paul -

It looks like you've found a security loop-hole all of us have overlooked in the past... Nice find!

I am going to look into this issue and see if there is any way to make script more secure. I am thinking possibly about making it where the script processes the order based on the contents of the users shopping cart, rather than the form data.

will let you know if I come up with anything.


-- BP (, March 26, 1999.

It appears that the order is totalled correctly when it is submitted regardless of the changes made to the order form prior to submitting it.


-- Mike Lynne (, March 30, 1999.

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