Brief of yesterday's Y2K : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Here's the brief from items in yesterday's. It was a slow news day... Sanger's Review Assorted Y2K problems add to D.C. General Hospital's woes ... many systems in Canada and New York not quite prepared for April 1 ... survey from last fall indicates that only 60% of mortgage bankers had made good progress on the bug ... some Fortune 1000 IT managers surveyed ... Fed will allow merging banks to be treated as separate entities until March 2000 ... Kansas utility officials tell the public some interesting things ... state of Ohio sets up low-interest Y2K loan program for small biz ... Alabama women sue state for not ensuring their welfare benefits will continue ... ABC's Peter Jennings to host a 27-hour date rollover marathon program ... EDS testing ahead of schedule ... South Korea Banking test ... Canadian Banking test ... state CIOs ... schools may close in early January ... more on Microsoft fixes ... Santa Cruz, CA local effort
(full disclosure - I work for this site)
-- pshannon (, March 25, 1999
Sanger's ReviewThe link didn't work. This forum doesn't seem to like certain tags...
-- pshannon (, March 25, 1999.
Good morning ps. Is Larry paying you anything yet (grin)? <:)=
-- Sysman (, March 25, 1999.
Just a minor note, the Canadian Securities Commissions are NOT banks, they are the regulatory agencies of our stock markets. The testing would therefore have been stock market testing, not banking.
-- Tricia the Canuck (, March 25, 1999.
I notice that the House passed the Small Business Fix Y2k Loan bill yesterday and now it is moving to the Senate. Isn't this kind of a day late and a dollar short scenario or is there time for these companies to use this money? Will this help the small business man meet Y2K or is this more spin to keep the stock up on GM etc. who need all these small suppliers?
-- Valkyrie (, March 25, 1999.
right you are, tricia. Thanks for the clarification.No, sysman, at this point it's a "labor of love" and a way for me to keep informed, and share that info with others...
-- pshannon (, March 25, 1999.
"Labor of love," pshannon?Sort of like, posting at Yourdon's?
Good job at your "volunteer" work.
-- Diane J. Squire (, March 25, 1999.