Power designer rgd...greenspun.com : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Eric,I used the above mentioned tool for changing UDD's in my SQL Srvr 6.5 Database. I found in its generation script that all the UDD's are prefixed by 'T_'. Why? How should I avoid this?
I know that I should have put this question to the Power designer personnel but then I thought that you would help me with your immense experience. Your help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks, Kothan.
-- Anonymous, March 24, 1999
Kothan,I can probably find an answer, but first I need to know what rgd and UDD stand for.
-- Anonymous, March 24, 1999
Kothan,Sorry, I cannot find how to prevent Power Designer from adding T_ onto the front of the name of a user-defined datatype (UDD). I have checked the powersoft.public.* usenet news categories and asked 3 of my colleagues. One colleague offers the theory that Power Designer wants to prevent any possibility that you could duplicate the name of an existing datatype.
By the way, what does rgd (from your question title, "Power designer rgd...") mean? Please answer to this forum. Thank you.
-- Anonymous, March 25, 1999