Firearms..ya gotta have 'em : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

So. Get them, fire them, love them...........but be proficient are you are toast, me if you are really serious

-- Racegun (, March 23, 1999


Hey Bubba... I think its proably time to kiss your cousin good nite and call it a day.

-- A. Grown Up (, March 23, 1999.

hy! Bud. got any surplus CLAYMOR'S. Nite scops Rule!!! got MILK.

-- psboot (, March 23, 1999.

Sick Pup. too much web time

-- callmemuck (, March 23, 1999.

I got 'em! but I dont expect them to do me a lotta good. I expect "they" will take them away from us.

-- ed (, March 23, 1999.

The attempt to remove them is why they make 8" PVC pipe and posthole diggers.


-- Chuck, a night driver (, March 23, 1999.

That's just Gene, the gun crazed multi-poster. She seems to go through a cycle on this subject.

-- I've (seenher@thisway.before), March 23, 1999.



Gee, I always thought there was some other antigunnut Freudian imagery there... .

-- (li', March 23, 1999.

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