Chicago Tribune Does It Again? --- Front Page ---Y2K's Global : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Well they did it again. This is definately an attention getting article. Page 1. World map, color coded by preparedness level, showing international date line, and giving # of hours warning each nation will have after the clocks roll over to 2000(or should I say 00). It covers the state of the world (in y2k preparedness)The print edition showed photos of nuclear power plants in the Ukraine, the command center at Cheyenne Mountain Air Station in Colorado, Shanghai Stock Exchange, British Airways, & Air Traffic Controllers at work in Buenos Aires.
This is a really long article so I'm only posting the link. It's not perfect, but I haven't seen anything better in a newspaper on the global aspect of this problem.
How much longer until a whole lotta people start freaking?
Chicago Tribune
-- Deborah (, March 21, 1999
Sounds Like Youre Already Freaking Out. Chill. Take A Deep Breath. Sleeeeeeeeep. Sleeeeeeeeeeeep.
-- Moron Slayer (, March 21, 1999.
Moron,Gee, I'm so glad I'm not wasting my time around here.
BTW Your Welcome :-)
-- Deborah (, March 21, 1999.
(that's you're not your)
-- Deborah (, March 21, 1999.
Deborah: Thanks for the link, it's a good article and have forwarded it to several on my e-mail list.
-- bardou (, March 22, 1999.
THANKS Deborah!It's nice to know that someone around here knows grammar, and how to use apostrophes correctly.
Jolly's mom was an English teacher.
PS(Jolly *loves* talking about himself in the 3rd person)
-- Jollyprez (, March 22, 1999.
Thank you Deborah - yes, it is an excellent article, I've just printed it off. I just also want to say "THANK YOU ED" for starting this forum. Saw you on 60 minutes in Australia; made a lot of people get out of their hammocks and perhaps give this issue a little serious attention it deserves, Only problem is, I think they have gone back to sleep again in the last few days.Best wishes also to everyone who posts on this forum, which is, without doubt, the best source of info' I have found on Y2K. I am out of the house more than 12 hours a day, so I don't have time to source extensive info'.
-- Pamela Lawrence (, March 22, 1999.
But the Washington Post said all that I have to worry about was government workers storming the Treasury with staplers and briefcases when they don't get paid!...and they said that the Marines can handle that, so I shouldn't worry!
-- Anonymous99 (, March 22, 1999.
Deborah often enjoys speaking of herself in the third person as well. She was a teacher too!!Deborah also doesn't really expect any thanks, she just gets annoyed by trolls sometimes.
Deborah thanks you for your responses, as she is always curious about the reactions of others to the articles they read!
Deborah is also thankful for Mr. Yourdon & Mr. Greenspun, they are respected by her for their contributions fighting the infowar at hand.
-- Deborah, happy birthday to me! ;-) (, March 22, 1999.
Happy Birthday Deborah!
How old are you.... how old are you...? hee hee!
-- Gayla (mine was yesterday!) (, March 22, 1999.
Gayla!!!Thanks! :-)
I'm (gasp) 31.
Happy Birthday to you!!! Yours is on the first day of spring! What a great Birthday!! I don't know how to post a cute graphic like that! Thanks, it brightened my day!!
How old are yooouuu???!! ;-)
-- Deborah, a kid at heart (, March 22, 1999.
Hi Deborah! Thanks! I'm 42. My "BABY" just turned 16 last Thursday. Her birthday "hurt" more than mine did. :-)Posting pictures is a lot like making a hotlink, but instead of {a href="} you use {img src="} followed by the http:// link to the picture. And of course you use < instead of {. Try it sometime. :-)
-- Gayla Dunbar (, March 22, 1999.
Gayla and Deborah: You get no sympathy from me. I turned 50 a few days ago. (Who ever thought THIS would happen?)
-- Pearlie Sweetcake (, March 22, 1999.
Happy Birthday Pearlie! Better hurry and blow out those candles before we have to call the fire department. hee hee
-- Gayla Dunbar (, March 22, 1999.
Gee, thanks. I think.
-- Pearlie Sweetcake (, March 22, 1999.
Happy Birthday Pearlie!! Happy Birthday to you!Oh, another one of those 'landmark' birthdays! For joy, for joy!! Did ja have a party!!!?? Was your 50th fun?
Hubby, loves reminding me 'ooh youre gonna be 31,' yikes, I can't wait to see what he will be like when I hit like 65, 70, 75! Not that that's old, but you know...he thinks it's terribly funny to harrass me!! ( & he's older than me, no less)
-- Deborah (, March 23, 1999.
BTW All,A mere two days later the Chicago Tribune prints a short article titled " 'Sky is not falling' from computer bug, experts testify" Same old, same old. Don't hoard, take money out of the bank, blah blah. We spent lot's of money, go back to sleep.
One step forward, two steps back.
-- Deborah (, March 23, 1999.
Under other circumstances my 50th birthday would have been more distressing. However, with Y2K staring me in the face, turning 50 doesn't seem like such a big deal. (And I did have fun!)
-- Pearlie Sweetcake (, March 23, 1999.