Digital camera for indoor flash shots/which is best? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Currently I am using a Canon ZR digital video comcorder to take pictures that are then sent to a printer. The pictures are of vacuums, accessories, etc. I am not very satisfied with the quality. These pictures are mostly in black and white, but we are now moving more and more into colour. Does anyone out there know about this camera for still shots? It is a great video camera!!

I have compared photos on your site, and like the Agfa ePhoto 1680 and the Minolta EX1500. I need a camera that shows detail! Any other cameras I should be considering? What about this Sony DSC-D700 I'm hearing a lot a

-- Penny Cowie (, March 20, 1999


If you do tons of indoor flash shots and want image quality, go for a camera that handles external flash. Invariably when I am very impressed with indoor flash shots, they used a big external flash unit. I guess you can also add "slave" flash units to digicams that don't explicitly support external flash via hot shoe.

The minolta you mentioned sounds like a great choice, check if the external flash connector is available yet. The Sony uses the same CCD as the minolta, costs twice as much, but has a lot more user controllable settings if you aren't the point and shoot type. An Oly 620 might be good, canon 70, the forthcoming oly 2000 and nikon 950..

-- Benoit (, March 24, 1999.

There are few good Digital Cameras (DigiCams) on the market, including Oly C-2000, Canon Pro 70, Sony D700, and Nikon Coolpix 950. You will be happy with all the above, however compare the specification to match you full (all) needs to the camera fits you needs best. Take your time these impressive DigiCams will be widely available soon. I also have to add the Minolta EX1500, that you mentioned is a nice product too. I do recommend take your time and compare all the above cameras, you will be impressed.

-- Fred (, March 25, 1999.

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