Filters for the FD 85-300 zoom : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

Well I just bought this lens and haven't really started playing with it yet. What type of filters does it use and are they still available or do I have to search for them ? Thank you.Regards,Tom.

-- Dr.Thomas P. Stewart (, March 20, 1999


This lens uses series IX filters. AFAIK, Tiffen still makes them but they're not readily available - I understand series filters are still used in motion picture cameras. I did see some, and an enhancing filter in particular, at a swap meet in Portland OR last fall.

I have this lens and I machined up an adapter that replaces the filter hold down ring that lets me use Cokin P holders and filters. My adapter also holds the slightly smaller 77 mm filters in place of the Series IX. I haven't seen any vignetting with this yet. Until I made my adapter, I used an elastic band around the 77 mm filter to hold it under the series IX ring. You might want to see if you could get a Cokin P 82 or 77 mm adapter ring to 'stick' on this lens somehow.

If I were a machinist or an entrepreneur I'd consider making up these rings. If there is enough interest I could ask one of my machinist friends to make up a bunch of these. I've seen similar adapters going for about $40 each. Is anyone else interested?



-- Duane Kucheran (, March 31, 1999.

Hi Dr. Tom, There are lots of seriers IX filters on the B&H used list. They are about half of the price compared to the new ones... By the way, I just deeply "in love" with this zoom... T.F.

P.S Stay with FD. I have both EOS and FD and bunch of great lenses. I spent about 80% of time using FD's ... I have to agree that the EF L lenses are super in optics. However, it is possible that due to my age(getting older), I actually appreciate the old FDs more (nostalgic, perhaps..).

-- T.F. Wang (, April 11, 1999.

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