Which camera is best for portrait shots

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Which digital camera is best for portrait (close-up) shots. I'm looking for natural skin tones, color accuracy and good detail. I have a Nikon 900 and am very disappointed in the results despite all the good reviews. Considering the Canon Pro 70 but would like more of a zoom. Like the idea of the Sony D-700, but I don't like some of the user comments I've read of soft focus and noise. Any comments or advice. Would like to buy now and not wait for the 950 or Oly 2000 to come out. Probably leaning towards the D-700. Has anyone heard the rumor that Sony has a 2million pixel camera in the works? Jerry

-- Jerry Shotz (shotz@home.com), March 17, 1999

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