Type of image

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi there,

I'm thinking about buying a digital camera but I have 1 big question. What image format (jpg, gif, other) are the pictures when I copy them from the camera to the pc ? Because I want to send the pictures (approx 50 a time) by email I don't want them to be very large. I also don't want to lose very much time with converting pictures each time...Any answers / suggestions

Henk F. Engelsman

-- Henk F. Engelsman (h.f.engelsman@caiw.nl), March 13, 1999


They are usually JPGs and about 65k when shot at 640 X 480, but can be TIFFs and very large, i.e., 5mb. If you use a Macintosh, there is an excellent program to make thumbnails and an html file that links your full size photos. Photopage is the application. JPGs can be saved as GIFFs using an application like LViewPro for Win and Graphic Converter for Mac. GIFFs only use 256 colors making them small files..good for the web. RS

-- RS (justin_dec@hotmail.com), March 15, 1999.

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