Workshop Or : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I'm looking for a DV filmmaking workshop that would guide me through the production of a short using a DV camera? I've only found one in Los Angeles, but the teacher was, shall we say, under-equipped in the knowledge department. Does anyone know of a worthy place? An institute? An Individual? A community college? I've checked with UCLA, but they only have one-day seminars.
-- Skye Dent (, March 07, 1999
I run a series of SeaFari's (cruise classes) is South East Alaska. The focus is more wildlife etc but there are two of us that are along that are pretty experienced in DV production. The trips are 10 days include all food and the trip of a private yacht to the Bears whales and Glaciers of SE Alaska. The cost excluding airfare is $2500 per person. If anyone is interested let me know we have a few spots open for a trip on the 10-21 of June and the 23 of June to the 5 of July. Good opportunity to learn, have a great time and experience some exceptional sites. Groups are 4 people. John Ferrick
-- John Ferrick (, April 20, 1999.
I'd check all the cable TV Public Access Stations in your area. Most will offer great hands-ons video production course for very little $.There are also non-profit video education centers. To find them look around for associations such as Bay Area Professional Videographers Assoc. (on the web) They should be able to put you in touch with video education centers in your area.
Years ago I found one of these in NYC and took their editing courses. This course was a turning point that helped me launch my production business.
Finally don't overlook local colleges. Even if you don't want to take a college course, the instructors can probably put you in touch with some good local options.
One advantage of taking a course is that you'll meet other people in the same postion as yourself. These fellow students will often become great contacts in your video career.
Don't overlook reading on your own. The DV Filmmaker's Handbook on this site would be a good start. Read everything you can find on the subject.
Hal And
-- Hal Landen (, April 22, 1999.
The Hollywood Film Institute (Dov Siemens) is starting a 2 day DV course in January 2000 in Santa Monica, CA.
-- peter saxon (, January 06, 2000.