Anybody want a .ZIPped version of the Senate report? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I've .ZIPped together the .PDF files of the Senate 3-1-99 Y2K Report. Sorry, still in .PDF format.The file is SENREPRT.ZIP at my website and is in with the other survival files in the directory and I'll let Sysman do the HyperText Markup Language on that.
If you have 28.8 it should take around 13 minutes to download. The .PDF files total about 2.5 meg, the .ZIP file is still big though about 2.2 meg so you'll be saving less than two minutes, but I know some people were having problems downloading it.
-- Ken Seger (, March 03, 1999
Very kool! Thank you sir. <:)=Ken's site
-- Sysman (, March 03, 1999.
Many, many thanks. You saved me many bad words. My connection just loves to quit in the middle of a big down load. Can do 13 min standing on my head. Well, I'm supposed to be a preforming Bear after all.
-- Greybear (, March 03, 1999.
What's a preforming bear? Heard of performing, and I heard of getting bent out of shape, but I've never heard of getting bent into shape.
-- De (, March 03, 1999.
keep getting a 404 error at:
Was the file taken off for some reason?
-- Jelly Bean (, March 03, 1999.
While your at it try some of Ken's reports. Good stuff. Recommended. Ken seems to have the ability of simplifying the complicated stuff.
-- Tomcat (, March 03, 1999.