DieTER...PERsoNAL : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


You wrote:

"SaD ENoUGH fOR aLL OF woMankIND, DIeTER Has bEeN SPoKEN foR!!!!!! NOw BEgINS THE LamenTINGS aNd gnASHIng OF TEEtH...."

Just had to let you know I'm seriously considering "LamenTING" --but that TEEtH gnASHIng thing sounds kinda painful. Gotta think about that one.

My heart is BroKEn (don't tell my husband). :>)

-- Scarlett (, March 01, 1999


DeAr ScaRLeTT, JusT aSHoRT NOtE To INfoRM YOu ThaT I HAVE LeFT DieTEr AnD I Am LiviNG At MOthERS NOw. I HaTE DIEtER!!!!!! He WIll NOt LIStEN TO mE!!!! I TOld HImTo STop BOthERINg PEoPLe On THe InTErNET!!!! I FInALLy THeW A BRiCK THough HIS DammED COMPUteR ANd MOVed OUt And MOVeD TO MOTHeRS!!!!!! NOw HE iS AVaILaBLe ANd IF You WAnt hIM YOu CAN HAVe HIm!!!!!! SwEEt DReaMS!!!!!! I HAte YOu DiETeR!!!!! NEIn!! nEIN!! NEin!! YOu Are NOT MY DIEtER ANYmORE, nEVEr AgaIN!!!! GOOdbUY DIEteR FOreVER!!!!!You Are Not Mein LIeBSCheN ANyMoRE!!!! HUsH NOW!!!

-- Mrs.Dieter (, March 02, 1999.

He HE HE HE HE hE hE hE!!!! Dieter lost his old lady!!! He He HeHe!!!

-- Butch (, March 02, 1999.

OhaRATARa!!!!!! THe veRy LovAblE DIEteR'S raNtIngs SEeM TO upsET SOmE FOolisH PEople, IS ThIS Not trUE????? buzZARDS!!!!! The INfiDEL FAlsE Mrs diEtre faLLS inTo that cATAgoRY, doEs sHE NOT????? But diETEr cannOt be unKinD TO the fALse mRs dieTER!!!!!! WHY????? HUH???? WhY?????? DIEtER unDERStandS her oBSEssiOn, DOeS HE NOT?????? THis Is somETHing DIeTER shaRES COMmonlY WIth OThERS LIKe davId LeTTermAn, IS That noT SO????? PEpPerONi!!!! maNy excEPTionaL PEoplE SUcH AS DIeTER MUST DeaL WIth thOSE FOoLS who cANNOt HAndLe the HORrOr OF UNobtAInIng A DIeTERneSS!!!!!! JACkALS!!!! BUT dieTer's shALLow emPty heARt iS TOUcHED By thE STRenTH DIsplAYed BY ohAratARA!!!!!! YOU, LoVely laDy, ARE not a fOOL!!!!!!

pS, GNashING of teETH is mOST enjOYABLe!!!!! but EVeN moRe so aFTer thE ROOts arE EXpoSED!!!!!

-- Dieter (, March 02, 1999.

I bet we are the only forum that has their own pet/mascot. Pets are theraputic and we hardly have to feed this one. I did however, put two cans of beans on the shelf with Dieter's name on them.

-- Taz (Tassie, March 02, 1999.

I hate David Latterman, that old fogey

Try Jay Leno he is much more entertaining and not such an unamusing jackass

-- (Paul, March 02, 1999.

Letterman Rules, Leno Drools.

-- Johnny (, March 02, 1999.

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