Latest News : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Seeing as there isn't much I can do about correcting the "font" problem or whatever it is I drifted off to other parts and have come up with the following news articles: I thought the first one was rather appropriate for what we are currently experiencing right now!!! "Happy New Year, We're Invading Your PC 10.00 a.m. ET (1500 GMT) February 27, 1999 By Lee Bruno There's word this week of a Web-based attack with which cyberthugs can load malicious code onto a PC without the user knowing. It's called the Russian New Year attack, and anyone with a browser and using Excel or Office 95 from Microsoft is at risk..." article: "North Korea, United States Meet On Nuclear Site REUTERS 12.34 a.m. ET (535 GMT) February 28, 1999 NEW YORK -- The United States and North Korea met Saturday to discuss U.S. access to an underground site that Washington believes may be part of a revived nuclear weapons program..." article: "Gas pipeline explodes near Portland, Oregon February 27, 1999 Web posted at 4:40 AM EST (0940 GMT) PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) -- An explosion in a natural gas pipeline sent a spectacular fireball into the sky late Friday but caused little damage on the ground, officials said..." went hunting for this last one after going to the USENET site and saw a posting by Rick Cowles saying that he had heard on FOXS news that there had been two more explosions. Both on the west coast. I found one, but couldn't find the Solar power station explosion that he mentioned. Anyhow I hope all the URL's work. If they don't I'll retry.
-- Anon (, February 28, 1999
We were watching KNBC last night, and they had a story about the Solar Collector explosion.Spectacular flames & smoke.
Don't know what caused it, but about 900,000 gallons of mineral oil burned up. The mineral oil is used to transfer heat from the reflectors to a heat exchanger that turns water into steam.
Quite a few of these explosions lately, eh?
-- Jollyprez (, February 28, 1999.