How did Kate Winslet feel about Jude??? : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I don't have a sound card in my computer as its busted and wish I'd seen the interview with Kate Winslet on how she was about doing those disturbing and nude scenes in Jude.Can anyone tell me how she felt and what she said???
-- Jo Duggan (, February 21, 1999
i think she is really sexy and looking beautiful. and that's all i have got say about it.
-- amit kumar (, May 28, 2001.
I just want to say that Kate Winslet, is my perfect definition for a Great Actress... And she is, indeed, Beatiful. She is the kind person, who knows how to do her work. And she certainly knows how to choose her roles, because she has done, nothing, but great movies.
-- Regina Barrios (, June 27, 2003.
I Like Her Hair Red Then Blond She Looks Much Better With Red Hair.
-- Dina Marie Packingham (, January 19, 2004.
As of always; she is British (place of birth)! Makes us Brits proud haaa!
-- Bon Bon (, July 02, 2004.