Choosing airline/ticket for travel to US just BEFORE 1/ : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I live in Scotland, UK. I have friends who have a survival community in the rocky mountains, western USA. I would like to take my children there in mid Dec. 99 (I have trouble being able to go before that) and book my round-trip ticket to return mid. jan. Then if worst case unfolds, at least am in right place with hopefully no-one hassling me about visas at that point! Would love advice on: - how soon to book/pay for ticket - which airline to choose (least vulnerable to money crashes)- American Airlines? A British airline? Large/small. - will they issue round trip tickets to return in Jan? - any other issue connected with my plan and travel plans.Advice much appreciated. Angela
-- Angela Perron (, February 15, 1999
Angela,Have you asked your friends what they think?
Tough questions. Let's try the easy one first. I don't think it makes a big difference which airlines you use to get here. Until things get funny there shouldn't be any difference. I'd book a large one for the return flight. Probably stand the best chance for it actually flying. If it doesn't, what can they do, deport you, when you're trying to get a flight home anyway?
Travel agencies should soon be able to book tickets up through the middle of January, 2000. As I recall, they're good for nearly 11 months in advance, and they have tested the rollover process.
When should you book/pay? Short answer: When you feel comfortable doing so.
What financial penalty is there for making reservations sometime soon, but not picking the ticket up until you're sure you'll use it? I gather your idea is to make sure you're able to get a flight, so you'd like to make reservations now. If you can do so without having to pay for the actual tickets until fall, that's good.
remove the Xs in the address to reply directly
-- De (, February 15, 1999.
Angela,I hope you don't think this too presumptious of me, but are you by any chance the same Perron family that has been in the news in the UK of late.
I have a similar delimma as yours only we were thinking of going the other way. At present we live in a suburb just outside D.C. (not too safe) and thought that it might be best to be in the UK on my husband's parents' farm up North come the end of the year.
I should be interested on your take of the situation.
-- Carol (, February 15, 1999.