Eddy Clarifies: Preparation Remains Prudent

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

David O'Daniel Eddy (Westergaard) has clarified his position:

I must fall on my sword and extend a public apology to those readers who believe, based on my recently soothing words that I think things are all right in Y2K land. From my personal experience with software efforts over the past three decades and from what I can find today nothing has changed. Software projects run late. Large software projects run later.


Let me say this straight up. I am EXTREMELY concerned about the path we have chosen. Although there are many hardworking Y2K project teams in companies and government agencies alike, from what I can see today and from what I have learned over the past ten years as a salesman to the Fortune 500, we are in very serious trouble.

We have exercised the option to NOT fix our systems. (By fix I mean repair existing systems, replace them with packages, or retire something that is no longer needed, so let us not quibble about the precise, legal meaning of fix.) What the precise consequences are of this conscious choice to NOT act will unfold in fairly short order. We're all going to have a ringside seat for the mother of all human snafus. Recently, I have found myself repeating Capers Jones early Y2K observation: "Graduate students in psychology will be writing Ph.D.s about Y2K decades after the event."

The full article is at


-- Arnie Rimmer (arnie_rimmer@usa.net), February 03, 1999


I am glad to hear it. Thanks Arnie.

-- me (justme@aol.com), February 03, 1999.

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