Gaelic Storm February '99 : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
For all you Gaelic Storm fans, check out their Events page on their website at They've just posted their February tour schedule....they'll be in Wisconsin, Tennessee, and Georgia this month. Dates and places are provided. They are also listing some confirmed dates for later in the year in other parts of the country. If I'm lucky, I'll get to see them in Ohio during the summer!!! Gaelic Storm Go Bragh!!!
-- Kathleen Marcaccio (, February 02, 1999
Chcek them out if you get the chance. I saw them when they played in Annapolis. They are fun and the music is good. I love their CD, but you dont get the same energy level as you do with the live performance.
-- HS (, April 20, 1999.
Where can you get their CD? I've looked in some of my local stores but can't seem to locate it.
-- Nonnie Parker (, April 20, 1999.
Nonnie,Check out the Gaelic Storm website....if you can't find the CD in a local music store, you can order it directly from them for $15.00 plus shipping. Good luck!!
-- Kathleen Marcaccio (, April 20, 1999.
Thanks, Kathleen.
-- Nonnie (, April 21, 1999.