Help! I am trying to mount a NT : LUSENET : Mac Troubleshooting : One Thread |
I recently moved my g3/300 system to work. The system administrator set up a appletalk volume to the windows nt Server. Here is the problem. I can mount the server on my desktop through the chooser but cannot write to the volume. When I look at the sharing info it says I have administrative privileges, See Folders, See Files, Make Changes. But when I open the volume it is locked. I have tried every thing I can think of to get it to work. The administrator at the office says that nt is set up properly and to prove it when i get info it says it is giving me "make changes" privilege. He says it must be something in my system. For the life of me I cannot figure out why. Please send any suggestions you can think of, no matter how obscure. I am really under the gun here and all input is helpful.Thank you in advance, Jero
-- Jeromy Shepherd (, February 02, 1999
You need a piece of software called Dave on your G3. I'm using the same system at work with no problems connecting to our NT network. Go to for more information.
-- Darron Spohn (, February 04, 1999.