Replication : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
EricScenario : There is one Travel agent (HQ) running our application. Front end being PB Application and the Back end being SQL Server. He has one branch office which is also running our application. Both are live running for years.
Requirement : Needs bi-directional replication through dial-in and dial-out.
Queries : 1. How do I enable SQL Server to dial if it is ready for replication? 2. How should I handle data? 3. Any overall suggestions that would help me to establish successful replication?
Your help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks, Kothans.
-- Anonymous, February 01, 1999
Kothans,Bi-directional replication probably is the wrong term. Use replication and allow data entry on both "ends". The biggest thing to remember is ownership issues. Only allow one location to "own" a record.
Built in SQL Server replication can do this for you. Replication distribution tasks can be scheduled to occur on demand and RAS connections can be automated to dial your modem and then run the on-demand SQL Server replication tasks.
Also, Kevin Cox has a stored procedure, task and detailed documentation on how to do this. Please e-mail to get it.
You might also review the posts made by Steve Robinson ( microsoft.public.sqlserver.replication or contact him at his email address. Judging by his posts he seems to have worked out the kinks.
Good luck,
-- Anonymous, February 02, 1999