sx-70 : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
Do all of the sx-70 cameras take time zero film? Is an older model sx-70 camera preferred over one of the later one? can you recommend a good source for buying film?
-- beckythompson (, January 29, 1999
Yes, all of the SX-70's take Time-Zero film. I personally like the manual versus the automatic exposure ones. I buy my film mail order from B&H, 1-800-947-9970. $9.95 for a 10 exposure pack.
-- Cynthia Davis (, January 31, 1999.
I too prefer the manual focused SX-70 camera and as crazy as it may sound you can sometimes find Time Zero film in Target, or CVS.
-- (, February 27, 2000.
Keep in mind that most sx-70s with sonar can be used manually.
-- keithpetersen (, December 31, 2002.