new photo web site-Bob Dylan to Landscapes with address! : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
web site address: Photographic artist David Michael Kennedy shows some of his extraordinary hand made palladium printwork, with portfolios featuring magnificent Western landscapes, dozens of famous people (including Bob Dylan and others) and heretofore unseen American Indian Tribal Dancers. He then goes on to reveal some of his secrets, including "Plastic Camera Photography", and darkroom tips, plus insights into his thinking, in his own words. Kennedy not only shoots these beautiful one of a kind landscapes, he then actually creates the palladium print paper that gives his work it's special flavor, BY HAND!! Truly a unique artist. Kennedy's portfolios are not to be missed.
-- David Michael kennedy (, January 22, 1999
This site has wonderful photographs. If it hasn't been on "The List," it should be. Unqualified recommendation for a visit. And I haven't even gotten to the plastic camera thing yet.Also, the site loads quickly and is generally easy to navigate.
-- Jeff Spirer (, January 24, 1999.
WOW!!! The pictures are awsome. The layout is wonderful. I love this site. You can find it listed at Open Directory Project under htt p://
-- Andy Hughes (, January 28, 1999.