Canon Powershot 70 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Your review of the Powershot 70 says that the camera uses NiMH battery pack. State Street Direct says that it uses 6v Lithium battery: Does it use both ? one of the two ? which one ? If it uses NiMH battery pack, does it come with the pack ? - 1.68 MegaPixel CCD (1/2") - 1536x1024 resolution - 2 Compact flash card slots - 28-70mm focal length - TTL Viewfinder - Normal Mode: 768x512 - Uses 6v lithium 2CR5 battery - Optional Speedlite 220/380EX - Weight: only 1lb, 6.9 ounces - Dimensions: 5.7Wx3.3Hx5.2D - Large 2" LCD color viewfinder - Canon 1 year warranty

-- Jawad Akhtar (, January 21, 1999


I'm 99% certain it ships with the custom NiMH battery pack. As a convenience feature, you can also run it off of a 2CR5 Lithium cell in a pinch, although the high price of those batteries would make the prohibitive in the long (or medium) run. So: Comes with the pack, can use a Lithium battery if you get caught between charges with a dead NiMH cell.

-- Dave Etchells (, January 23, 1999.

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