TITANIC MADE OF LEGOSgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
A picture in the Hamilton Spectator (Hamilton, Ontario) showed a lego model of the Titanic which was made using 94,000 Lego pieces. This model was 16 feet in length and had a cut away of the various decks similar to Ken Marshall's famous painting. The grand staircase was also replicated. Good colour coordination of the pieces resulted in a good approximation of the real thing. It was on display at the Hamilton Home Show however I did not get a chance to see it in person.
-- Brian D (bdamboise@sprint.ca), January 18, 1999
I guess I missed my calling--I used to be quite good at building with Legos. Just think, I could be famous right now.....*sigh*.....
-- Nonnie Parker (x96smock@wmich.edu), April 20, 1999.
I have always been searching for Lego Titanic s online. I have built my own Titanic & Titanic wreck in the same scale, but they are only 12" long. With the wreck being about 7" long. Here are two sites that I have found, of 2 Lego Titanic s. The second one is a foreign site, but try to find the pic library, with a bunch of pics.http://www.triadntr.net/~erector/ http://www.1000steine.de/schiffe/titanic/
-- Melvin Malcom Kington (melmk2k@optonline.net), November 06, 2002.
The real TITANIC was made out of iron and TITANIC today,it was made out of LEGO BRICKS all over the world.
-- Dustin Dakota Krueger (Hquidditchfan@aol.com), February 11, 2005.