Pittsburgh International Airport is just getting started.greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
http://www.triblive.com/news/pair0114.htmlless than 10 percent of their remediation budget has been spent so far, and the bureaucrats are still talking in terms of 'if we find anything...'
*sigh* Arlin
-- Arlin H. Adams (ahadams@ix.netcom.com), January 15, 1999
To get an idea of the difficulties in getting an airport remediated for Y2K, read this article...http://www.msnbc.com/news/231125.asp#BODY
"Year 2000 bug may end up hampering airport services"
-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), January 15, 1999.
If the other countries around the world don't get their shite together, Pittsburg 'International' Airport will be a bit of a misnomer.
-- Craig (craig@ccinet.ab.ca), January 15, 1999.
Craig,too true! the 'international' part will be the daily flights to Montreal and Toronto...er...how is Montreal's airport coming along, anyway?
-- Arlin H. Adams (ahadams@ix.netcom.com), January 15, 1999.