Has it ever snowed in Hawaii?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : About Hawaii : One Thread

has it ever snowed in Hawaii?

-- Robyn Hoelker-Wright (robynw@anet-stl.com), January 14, 1999


Response to snow

We sure do. Every winter. It snows way up the volcanoes on the island of Hawaii and somewhat on Maui. There used to be the Primo Cup every winter, but I don't think it's held anymore. No lifts and a lot of lava sticking through as you come down 8(((

We do have 4 snowboard shops in Hawaii as a lot of locals go to the mainland for snowboarding.


The lowest temperature recorded in Hawaii was -11 degrees F on Haleakala on Maui and the hottest was 100 degrees in Puna on the Big Island.

The average day time temperature is 80 degrees with winter months about 78 and summer about 85. Night time temperatures are about 10 degrees less.

-- Roy Inouye (roy@bothi.com), January 14, 1999.

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