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What does the group think of riding out y2k in the florida keys I realize water should be taking care of before hand and rain water collected, but food is plentiful and i feel during a crisis the population down here would shrink. Is it safe??
-- s mcdonald (seannymac@aol.com), January 13, 1999
I lived in the Keys for awhile about 20 years ago and I would think the food supply would be a major problem.
-- S.Rathers (srathers@hotmail.com), January 13, 1999.
I went to a small island in the lower keys where they collect rain water as their primary source of H2O. They had a very large, efficient system. However, they had difficulty collecting enough for the 3-4 people that were regularly on the island. It could get pretty dry if the main pipeline supplying the keys is not working properly. Also, most of the food is brought in to the keys. On-island food is mostly fruits and fish.
-- Sue (Conibear@gateway.net), January 13, 1999.
The Florida Keys is my favorite place in the whole wide world. Islamorada is the most definitely God's country! Not a whole lotta space down there and ALL the fresh water is brought in from the mainland. Ever swim with the dolphins? A MUST DO on Grassy Key at the Dolphin Research Center! We try to make it at least once a year. Trying to set up a trip for late April this year.Long live Lora Lei's (and their YUMMY rum-runners)!! Key lime pie, bone-fishin' on the flats, soaking up the south Fla sun! OK, ya talked me into it, I'm headed to the land of Jimmy Buffet and conch fritters for my Y2K hideout! Can't think of a better way to ride out ANYTHING than laying on a beach with a South Florida buzz workin'!! GOOD IDEA!
-- Deano` (deano@luvthebeach.com), January 13, 1999.
You might wanna read Luke Rhinehart's Long Voyage Back before thinking of anywhere in or near the Carribean as a refuge from a disaster originating in the hi-tech, developed North.
-- Blue Himalayan (bh@k2.y), January 13, 1999.
How about hurricane season?
-- Karen Cook (browsercat@yerf.net), January 13, 1999.
Karen - not unitl mid-summer.Many of the same problems and benefits are like those on a small boat - apparent easy isolated life style until you try it for a while. Not so easy then.
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Kennesaw, GA) (cook.r@csaatl.com), January 13, 1999.
Me and the Mrs. love the Keys, and spend every vacation there.Deedah plan #42
Wait until the SHTF and runs all of the wealthy spoilers outta da keys. Then, move in and live a life of piracy and rum running.
La De Dah
-- Uncle Deedah (oncebitten@twiceshy.com), January 13, 1999.
Bad idea. Great weather, sun, sand, Could easily set up rain catchement, and grow bananas, and avocados- but whatever would you do about those horrible florida cockroaches?
-- Damian Solorzano (oggy1@webtv.net), January 14, 1999.
I agree. Bad idea. Everyone stay away from the Keys. :-)Deano
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), January 14, 1999.