Coolpix 900S in stock ANYWHERE???? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Since deciding 2 weeks ago to buy a Nikon Coolpix 900s, I've run across a frustrating problem. There are none. I've checked literally dozens of places on the net and all show no stock with a wide variety of projections as to when they'll be in. Does anyone know who has one of these on the shelf, or just what has happened to the supply????

-- Jon Elliott (, January 11, 1999


You're right, I've had same issue. The stock monitor at CNET's is not exactly up to date, and some of the people I've called via this site are arogant SOB's. That's the problem with the web, any schmuck can have a good looking store front... Good luck with your search, or maybe like me you'll take another look at the Olympus 400

-- JM (, January 12, 1999.

I too have had the same problem. I just spoke with a sales rep at State Street Direct ( and he says that they should have the 900s in stock in 10-14 days. He's not sure how many are supposed to come in, but they have about 40 pending orders so far. I'm also looking at the Olympus though... its a great package including the flashpath adapter ... I'm just a little concerned about image quality. Tough decision here.

-- Gary (, January 12, 1999.

I couldn't find the Nikon anywhere. Not only wasn't it in stock anywhere, but everyplace locally (within a couple hours drive) wouldn't even carry it. Even places that carried Nikon 35mm cameras and just about every brand of digital camera couldn't even order it, let alone carry it in stock. I don't know why this camera is so hard to find and none of the major camera stores would carry it, but I finally purchased the olympus D400z and I wouldn't worry about image quality at all. I can't rave enough about this camera. The printed results I am getting are spectacular -I have never been happier with any pictures (even my blowups from 35mm). I tried the Ricoh 4200 before getting this camera and the oly pictures are definitely superior in sharpness, brightness, color... I just can't imagine 8x10's looking any better, even with a nikon.

-- Sharon Carroll (, January 13, 1999.

I heard the Nikon Coolpix 900s is not an actual model anymore. Nikon will present a new camera on c-bit germany march 99

-- Thomas Irion (, January 13, 1999.

Yeah they've discontinued and sold out of 900s. They're announcing the new model Feb 18th.

-- Benoit (, January 29, 1999.

Harmon Camera in Lincoln, NE had, as of yesterday (1-30-99), 1 or 2 Nikon Coolpix 900 camera(s). Went to NFM Mega Mart, here in NE and the camera front said Nikon Coolpix 900, but the sign said 900s. The employee helping us said it was just the 900, then we looked at the box (even after all the recent hoopla on the net recently, I still wanted one)and it said 900s. When you look at the bottom of the camera...surprise! IS a 900s. So if any camera store has "only the 900", sometimes the store doesn't realize for sure that it may be the 900s. So check with your local camera shops, bigger stores like furniture stores that carry electronics, etc. and you may find one.


-- Debora Chandler (, January 31, 1999.

Wait!!!! I know this question is over 2 months old but there are Nikon 900s models in stock ... in various London Drugs!! And they're on sale with a big quote "limited quantities". I checked it out and it is true!!! But why would you want that when the Nikon 950 is coming out in 4 weeks?

-- Alex Man (, March 10, 1999.

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