mi-rkba: Gun shows/Background checks ( federal )

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

# # # 19990107--Category: Survivalist issues


The sponsor REQUIRES law abiding citizens to IGNORE the fact that David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh would NOT have been prevented from purchasing their legal arms under this proposed federal legislation!

"Bleating" hearts will not be bothered with facts.

This item ( Sent: Wed 01/06/1999 22:26 ) from Michigan Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( MI-RKBA ).

Contact your legislative representative? Regards, Bob Mangus # # #

POSTED TO mi-rkba BY: Arlynn Afton

January 4, 1999 - BOSTON GLOBE

CUMBERLAND, R.I. (AP) - Background checks would be required of those who buy firearms at gun shows under legislation to be sponsored by U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy.

Kennedy, who begins his third term in the House, announced legislation Sunday that would require background checks and purchases to be recorded at gun shows.

A second bill he plans to sponsor would restore a three-to-five day waiting period for gun purchases as a backup to instant FBI computer background checks that recently have gone into effect.

Currently, there are no federal laws regulating sales at the estimated 5,000 gun shows held annually in the country.

Kennedy, who made the announcement at the Cumberland Police Station, said that gun shows provide a loophole for people prohibited from buying firearms elsewhere to circumvent federal law.

``A number of my colleagues in the South say it is a real problem,'' Kennedy said Sunday.

He cited the examples of David Koresh, who bought hundreds of weapons at shows for the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and Timothy McVeigh, who bought and sold weapons at shows before the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building.

The legislation would make the individual hosting the gun show responsible for obtaining a license, conducting background checks, and recording sales. Violators face penalties and prison terms.

Kennedy believes the bill is likely to overcome objections ``because there's such a clear violation of the nature and the spirit of the law we have on the books already.''

A 1997 Justice Department study found that an estimated 40 percent of gun transfers are made in unregulated markets such as gun shows, he said.

The second bill would restore a waiting period that was dropped when the Brady Law expired. Nineteen states including Rhode Island established their own waiting period.

Kennedy said the bill would enable state and local police to check additional crime records. Repeated domestic violence calls might not be recorded on federal computer files, he said.

The bills are the latest gun control measure to be sponsored by Kennedy, whose uncles President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Robert Kennedy were shot to death.

) Copyright 1998 Boston Globe Electronic Publishing, Inc.

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# # #

-- Robert Mangus (rmangus@mail.netquest.com), January 07, 1999


In addition to this, anyone heard of a new move to deny gun ownership to anyone with a misdemeanor conviction, as well as convicted felons? Friend of mine sent me an editorial from some little daily paper in New England (sorry, no URL) saying it was a good idea and now was the time to put it into law. Anyone with more info on if this is true or not, please post.

-- Cash (cash@andcarry.com), January 07, 1999.

better get 'em while you can, babies. the UN is coming for you soon

-- Weavil (straight@all.com), January 07, 1999.

In addition, watch for a huge ammunition tax proposal this year.

Help fight this loss of freedom, join and support the NRA. They have a voice loud enough to be heard.

-- Bill (bill@microsoft.com), January 07, 1999.

How about this idea. The FBI and ATF arrest everyone at all gunshows. Holds them while they do background checks. That'll lock up about 90% of them for a few years. Lock up the other 10% for a year on the theory that if you're at a gun show you've probably done something unsavory. Where I differ from the authoritarian types is I don't reccommend torturing gun owners unless necessary.

Seriously, why does anyone need a gun. Don't give me that 4th amendment crap about you have to protect yourself from government excesses. We saw at Attica and Waco what the government is capable of.

If the government had needed nuclear weapons at Attica or Waco they would have used them. What are you clowns going to do with your pea shooters? Koresh at Waco is really all you need to know about having guns to protect yourself from the government. Exhibit B and C would be Ruby Ridge and those guys in Montana.

BTW we're hammering Clinton for baggin' some babe while Reno and by extension Bill himself are quite the little mass murders at Waco. Just my opinion of course.

Have a Nice Day

-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (jim1bets@excite.com), January 07, 1999.


no kidding - just more elitist nonsense from the left...one of the interesting things about all of this is that in another 12 months or so disarmed liberals may well become a self-resolving problem. Dunno about you, but even in an emergency I certainly wouldn't loan one of *my* firearms to someone who hadn't received proper instruction, would you?


-- Arlin H. Adams (ahadams@ix.netcom.com), January 07, 1999.

Why does anyone need a gun, JBD? How about this? Many years ago my mother sat in her car at a red light in downtown Dallas. Up walked a... how shall I put this?... young black man earnestly intent on some errand of mischief, probably robbery. Mom just reached into her purse, pulled out a S&W .38 and pointed it at the would be malefactor, who suddenly decided to ply his trade elsewhere. That answer your question?

-- Vic Parker (rdrunner@internetwork.net), January 07, 1999.

JBD, you should read the research by Jay Simkin on arms control and genocide. And consider how lightly armed Mujahedin held off the Soviets and ran them out of Afghanistan.

-- Blue Himalayan (bh@k2.y), January 07, 1999.

Cash- The misdemeanor denial issue cames from a recent JAMA study:

http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/journals/archive/jama/vol_280/no_24/o c72017a.htm

Excuse me, I have to go. My heart is "bleating".

-- Lewis (aslanshow@yahoo.com), January 07, 1999.

For what its worth- another 'bleating' heart. In 14 years in Germany, I heard and read of fewer deaths by firearms than in the first week spent in the US when I returned to this country. The deaths in Germany (where gun ownership is strongly regulated and all firearms are registered) were largely suicides or marital spats with a hunter involved. Those here were at the beginning of summer vacation and largely young men going through gang initiations or bored with school out.

-- Maria (encelia@mailexcite.com), January 07, 1999.

Dear trolls AKA Jimmy sad sack and MA WEE AHA, First of all, Jim, you are dealing from a short deck. I concur people of your class should be required to sterilize themselves, have a labotomy, and wear an identification device to prevent someone from giving you the lead pill. MA WEE AHA, You neonazi bitches really piss me off. I have to deal with a Civilian Under Naval Training(read the caps) who is the FRAU of a guy at work. It is obvious she followed him home to the PX in the sky. Let me tell you a story. The untermensch(under men/subhumans) of the warsaw ghetto with less than 15 weapons, held the Whermacht off in excess of six months. SIX MONTHS. SO I don't really give a rats ass as how der vater land controled firearms. guess VAT, If you got Von you can object. If not please get on the train.Sorry to be ethnocenthric. I got Von.


-- nine (nine_fingers@hotmail.com), January 09, 1999.

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