My new favorite quote about the : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
...paraphrased from National Geographic, Jan '99"A billion hours ago, human life emerged on Earth.
"A billion minutes saw the rise of Christianity.
"A billion Coca-Colas ago was yesterday morning..."
-- pshannon (, January 05, 1999
Here's my new favourite y2k quote, Other than that trippy Sufi one.) It's from Babylon 5...It was the year of fire... It was the year of destruction... It was the year we took back what was ours... It was the year of rebirth The year of great sadness... The year of pain, And the year of joy. It was a new age. It was the end of history... It was the year everything changed. The year is 2000... The place - Babylon Live.
(I only modified the last two lines for relevence. Sorry for random punctuation but i"m no grammarian.)
-- humptydumpty (, January 10, 1999.
I still haven't found one I like better than this one which I got last summer from a csy2k contributor:"We have put the egg of civilization in one basket, woven from the fibers of virtual reality, suspended by an electrical cord." --- Allen Comstock
"We wait, breathlessly, for a Deus ex Machina, realizing only to late that our intelligence is a sword made of feathers and our faith but a gossamer shield for our vanity." --- R. G. Dery
-- Hallyx (, January 10, 1999.