How do I enlarge thumbnails from my Kodak Dc210 Plus /software? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I downloaded pictures from my Kodak 210 Plus digital camera and saved as thumbnails on a floppy.. now I don't know how to get them back to a 4x6 sixe photo. have I lost them? All I get in small size .. and they are awful if I try to up the pix numbers and size. i have the Adobe photoshop that came with the camera and the Kodak software that came with the camera. Before I ruin anymore .. How can I save my pictures without filling my hard drive or putting only 2 or 3 pictures per floppy? I can't afford these camera meg disks and want to keep the pictures I take. thanks for the help. NG

-- Just Me (, January 05, 1999


If they're in thumbnail size, and not stored anywhere else in a different format, they're probably gone. Check in the Kodak software though, to see where it's default location is for storing images, you may have the originals still there.

The solution for long-term storage is to leave the images in their original JPEG format, which is much smaller than the expanded images in BMP, TIFF, or other formats. I'm pretty sure the Kodak software will let you save as JPEG, and actually should let you just pull the images down to disk from the camera, leaving them in the original camera format.

As to the disk drive space: Resign yourself to buying another (BIG) drive: Even if you only store images in JPEG form, at 100-200K per file, you're still going to end up needing a huge amount of space to store them all -- Digital cameras are a near-infinite source of image files!

-- Dave Etchells (, January 08, 1999.

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