This is a forum on creativity? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

This is supposed to be a forum on creativity, but scrolling down through the topics and scanning the postings, I would say about one out of ten questions have to do with creativity. Maybe the definition of creativity is broader than I thought??

-- Dave Jenkins (, January 01, 1999



I guess it all depends on your definition of creativity. Feel free to express it. I'm sure you'll get a response.

-- andy laycock (, January 02, 1999.

hey! that was creative!


-- mark lindsey (, January 12, 1999.

Perhaps a creative answer to a mundane question would encourage others to think creatively as well. Not being sarcastic here, I just know from experience that most people are not creative and are not interested in making the effort, including 9 out of 10 people who own cameras.

Owning a camera does not make one a photographer, but owning a camera makes lots of people think they're photographers, and they then spend a lot of time admiring F5's and Leicas and talking about lens sharpness (not that lens sharpness is completely irrelevant, its just far less important than creativity or insight).

Your point is valid, I just hope that you find something to offer despite the large ammount of silly questions here. Those who can hear you, will, even if they grow into it. Thaose who are obsessed with the "male jewelry" aspect of cameras just won't, no loss to you or me.

Regards, WA

-- Will Ashbless (, February 22, 1999.

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