it's dark : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I'm shooting a short feature on my single chip Canon Optura. It's not great with low light. My exterior night shots are coming up and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience shooting outside in the dark. My shot is in a park, so I was wondering if anyone has any portable (cordless or power pack) suggestions.Thanks, Brian
-- brian mcgrail (, December 22, 1998
I am also very curious about how one is able to successfully shoot any scene at night. Isn't it virtually impossible? I've heard of people shooting a "night" scene during the day, then manipulating the image in a program such as After Effects to achieve a night-time look. It might be worth investigating. Let me know if you hear anything. Thanks. -Nick Hanson
-- Nick Hanson (, December 16, 1999.
A neat trick to adapt for night scenes is to shoot in the early dawn. I used this on a 16mm cam and also on a DV- it will give it a bluish hue that is very cool on tape. Try it - hope it works for you. Good luck, Dele
-- DELE LAYEMI (ASHAJU2000@HOTMAIL.COM), March 07, 2000.
There are filter available on tiffin site...u can get...wher u can put them on and shoot during the day time...they come out like u shoot the whole thing at night....very cool...there are lot of other place on the net u can look for high and low contrast filters..hope this helps
-- nish (, September 03, 2002.