kate pictures {of her wedding}greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
For those of you who may care, there are pictures of Kate's wedding in this weeks issue of People magazine. It has a few pics of her and her husband, plus one of emma thompson and her beau. I must say she looks absoultely beautiful. I really recommend you see them, even if you only look at them at the store (don't worry, i won't tell! LOL). Hope you get to see it.
-- kate (foo@bar.com), December 05, 1998
Thanks kate, I've been wondering what her dress looked like and what her new Hubby looks like!
-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), December 05, 1998.
your welcome. it is a beautiful dress.
-- kate (foo@bar.com), December 06, 1998.
I thought that Kate's dress was very plain and simple but it was absolutely gorgeous on her. I hope that she will have a good future with her husband Jim.Good Luck Kate!!!!
-- Louise Madden (Louise@themaddens.freeserve.co.uk), December 22, 1998.