Bethany On-Line Classes : LUSENET : Bethany Bible College : One Thread

Not really a question, here but a strong recommendation: I just finished the most recent Bethany On-Line Class, BI 521 The Tabernacle, as a matter of fact I don't even know my final grade yet! But, regardless of the grade, I want to recommend these on-line classes to my fellow students who read this board. It was a VERY enriching experience. It was so neat to be able to work with some other people, and the scheduled pace really brought back a touch of the old "college life".

I had a regular Bethany distance course I had been working on forever it seemed, and I was having trouble getting over the top on it. I found that the on-line class really motivated me and got me "fired up" about my degree program again. I was able to crank them both out, and really benefitted from both.

They're not paying me to advertise (smile), but I really do strongly recommend the on-line classes as a way to add some variety to your program and possibly some new life and motivation to your studies if you have fallen into a lull as I had! I'm as excited about finishing this degree now as I was when I started.

Lord Bless,

Mark Jones

-- Mark Jones (, December 04, 1998


Dear Mark: Plans are being made for a Summer Course on Line. The title of the course is "Beginning Hermeneutics" This course deals with the principles of Biblical interpretation. Respectfully Dr. H. D. Shuemake, Chancellor

-- H. D. Shuemake, Chancellor (, March 16, 2000.

Hello Mark.

How does a person sign up for an on-line course at Bethany?

-- Joel Cochran (, March 11, 2000.

Hi Joel, unfortunately Bethany has not offered any other on-line classes since the Tabernacle Class over a year ago. I had hoped it would be direction that would was quite effective. Thanks, Mark

-- Mark Jones (, March 11, 2000.

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