Y2K Will Not Occur In A Vacuum!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Many are analyzing Y2K and planning for it as a single phenomenon. However, we should not forget that unrelated and possibly unanticipated world events can and probably will affect our ability to prepare for the Year 2000. For example:

Japan's banking system and government continue to ignore the $TRILLION+ in loan losses still on the banks' books.

As a starving Russia enters the coming winter, civil war becomes a real possibility among the factions there.

A war in the Middle East over Palestinian statehood and the fate of Jerusalem seems inevitable by May 1999 between Israel and the Arab states.

These are just some of the larger KNOWN problems which could radically alter the world scene and the mood of the general public before 1/1/00. Those on this forum who are planning to prepare should NOT just focus totally on Y2K; our world in 1998 is a very dangerous and unstable place. Don't put off preparing just because you think you might have until 4/1/99, or 7/1/99, or 10/1/99 to do so. NOW is the time to prepare!

-- Nabi Davidson (nabi7@yahoo.com), December 03, 1998


dont forget global warming, next year's solar maximus, the euro...and that damn beast with seven tails and seven horns...

-- a (a@a.a), December 04, 1998.

yeah, I'm pretty sure my vacuum has no software or embedded systems...

You're right Nabi. The next few years should be very interesting.

Oh, hey "a", I figure we've had about 7 fat years and we're certainly headed for 7 lean...

Mike ======================

-- Michael Taylor (mtdesign3@aol.com), December 04, 1998.


Most of America could stand to loose some weight, and needs to poke their noses over the "from sea to shining sea" horizon now and then.

-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), December 04, 1998.

Bill Konieg has an interesting list compiled" 19 (20 updated) Reasons for Collapse" (or something like that...sorry, short memory...g). Go to "watch.org" and look in his "news briefs" or "news items" scroll down to find the list. We read this in August and haven't been able to look at things the same way since...ugh!

As many on these boards say: Something is happening, I can *feel* it. Well, you're right. And it won't be all Y2K; Y2K will excerbate problems already set in motion... (and I wonder why I have this constant pounding headache...ggg...would someone pass the bottle in this direction...?)

-- Okum (ws000@aol.com), December 04, 1998.

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