Full-text searching with Microsoft SQL 7.0greenspun.com : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
I am looking for some advice/suggestions/information about SQL 7.0's Full-Text Search capabilities. Is it true that the search is only for character based datatypes ? I am looking for a method for speeding up search functions against text datatypes -Thanks Clea Boe
-- Anonymous, December 01, 1998
Clea,I am not using SQL 7.0. However, I see when I check the buzz on the microsoft.public.sql newsgroups I see that SQL 7.0 will have Full-Text Search capability on the text fields (as well as the char fields).
-- Anonymous, December 07, 1998
Clea,I meant to type microsoft.public.sql* for the newsgroups I mentioned.
-- Anonymous, December 08, 1998