Agfa 1280 vs Nikon 900 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have owned an Agfa ePhoto 1280 for about 3 months and love the image quality, but find not having a view finder and the wait between shots frustrating... I didn't know about Nikon 900 when I purchased my Agfa, and am wondering if I made a mistake. Can anyone tell me if its worth the expense of buying an additional camera and maybe try to sell the Agfa. Any sites where I might be able to sell it?

-- Elizabeth Karan (, November 23, 1998


I'm not so sure u made a mistake. The Agfa still gets rave reviews. And check out this page for a possible solition to the "no optical" viewfinder for your 1280. It is interesting.. Personally.. I don't think it is worth selling yours just to get the Nikon. good luck!

-- Mike Valley (, November 24, 1998.

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