Nikon 900-S test? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Does this site plan an update review on the Nikon 900 now that the 900-S is available (and prices of both seem to be falling)??

-- JM (, November 23, 1998


Nikon has indicated too us that the firmware changes were not of a nature that would affect image quality, only camera functionality. Hence, no need for a re-review of the unit. (We should however, incorporate a mention of the physical differences described above!)

-- Dave Etchells (, November 30, 1998.

The changes are so minor, perhaps the 900-s just needs an addendum paragraph to the original 900 review describing the diffs.

As for prices falling, that is hardly unique in this industry. :)

-- Benoit (, November 23, 1998.

The differences, I know, are: Faster saving of pictures possibility to connect an external flash no pc-card-adapter included 8 MB Card instead of 2 4 MB-Cards cap for the objective included (finally)

-- Thomas (, November 25, 1998.

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