Flash card versus Smart card

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Some digital camers use the flash card, and others the smart card.

How do they differ? Which is better?

-- Colby Van Atta (vanatta@gnt.net), November 18, 1998


Good question..Both are similar in size but the compact flash card is thicker and seems more durable than the smartmedia..which is "wafer" thin. Right now the biggest smartmedia is 16mb..however bigger storage is on the way. Next year the 32 mb and 64 mb should be out and beyond that even bigger. The compact flash has the 48 mb cards out NOW and I think even the 98mb cards too(or very soon). Smartmedia gives u the option of using a flashpath floppy adapter..which make it so convenient to download pics and quicker! And no wires to plug in. You can a card reader for the flash memory..but it must plug in a serial port. Both have good points..I suggest first getting the camera with features that u like most..and whichever memory it uses will be fine. Good luck!

-- Mike Valley (cpanthers@email.com), November 19, 1998.

Isn't there a section on www.imaging-resource.com about storage media? I've seen it mentioned before in the news columns, but I can't find any links to it anywhere now.

Greg Conquest

-- Greg Conquest (conquest@surfline.ne.jp), December 24, 1998.

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