: LUSENET : Discuss Gere : One Thread |
I have read that Richard's birthday is on 29th August...but another said that it is on 31st August. So which one is correct?
-- Joan Lei (, November 14, 1998
Joan, tell you the truth, I don't know. Some said 29 and some 31. There has been a disagreement over this date for some time now. I don't know how it started and I don't know how to end it. If anyone see our man, please don't forget to ask him this question.
-- Roslyn (, November 21, 1998.
I'm sorry to say that I have put a silly question on this board. It is because I have read later that he's birthday is on 31st.
-- Joan (, November 14, 1998.
Let's put this issue to rest once and for all. Richard Gere was born on August 31, 1949 in Philadelphia, PA. There has been a lot of misinformation on the web (and two out-of-print books also published the wrong date, these have been used as references by those posting the 29th)but numerous attempts to correct most of the mistakes have been dealt with by directing thos webmasters to Richard's agent, who has verified the information. Speculate no more!
-- ^E^ngel (, December 02, 1998.
his b-day is on the 29th of august.I know cause I saw it on tv
-- Joan Lei (, November 06, 1999.
I have it on the BEST authority that he was born on 31 August. His MOTHER told me! Yes, I met his parents last August and asked her because Richard and I were born on the same day and I wanted to know which of us was born first. He was. LOL So that should settle any question about his birthday!
-- Glenn Atwell (, June 26, 2000.
August 31 is the right answer for Richard Gere's birthday is correct. I have a good source in my hands. My family tree. That's right, whether or not you believe me I am related in some way (I think cousin) to Richard Gere. If you don't believe me I can tell you the names and birth dates to other members of his family too. I have a whole list.
-- Ed McDonald (, May 17, 2002.