Do you have any predictions? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I'd like to hear predictions from the group. I've lurked here for a long while and I thought I'd share a few of mine : )

1. The DJIA will begin to fall deeply after the 17th of November. This will set off a serious of catastrophic economic events which will lead to the collapse of confidence around the world.

2. In December, there will be an event so extreme that it will rock the inhabitants of the earth to their knees and everyone will be forced to review their own priorities.

3. 1999 will bring frantic, almost warlike conditions as companies and governments fight and pay top dollar for programming help. So much money thrown at a problem that should have been taken care of before now.

4. 1999 will bring failures as early as January and even a few brownouts will occur that are directly attributed to y2k.

5. You fill this one in : ) .......

-- OutThere (, November 11, 1998


I just want to know why, after the 17th of November, you think the DJIA will fall deeply????? Blondie

-- Blondie Marie (, November 11, 1998.

I guessing...but would November 17th be the next time the Fed meets to decide on whether to lower interest rates?

What are expecting in December: asteroids, an archeological discovery, or maybe U F O's?

-- Kevin (, November 11, 1998.

Many ships are leaving our ports for the Persian Gulf. If we DO begin an attack on Iraq......?????

-- Gayla Dunbar (, November 11, 1998.

"What are expecting in December: asteroids, an archeological discovery, or maybe U F O's? "

Um...UFO's in December may not be as off the wall as it sounds. Some weird happenings over at SETI as of late. Would take forever to explain, but you may want to keep an eye open on December 7th.


-- He Who Listens (, November 11, 1998.

Hey, he,

If you have interesting links to share please do so. November 17th is the light show and satellite shifting, right? December?

-- Diane J. Squire (, November 11, 1998.

"1. The DJIA will begin to fall deeply after the 17th of November. This will set off a serious of catastrophic economic events which will lead to the collapse of confidence around the world. "

I imagine he is referring to the Leonoid shower.

"2. In December, there will be an event so extreme that it will rock the inhabitants of the earth to their knees and everyone will be forced to review their own priorities. "

That's ok. Don't tell us what it is. You just go ahead and claim you were right when ANY event in December happens. We'll believe ya!

"3. 1999 will bring frantic, almost warlike conditions as companies and governments fight and pay top dollar for programming help. So much money thrown at a problem that should have been taken care of before now. "

How in the world do you equate paying top dollar with "almost warlike conditions"? As for the problem being taken care of by now, yes, it should have been. It hasn't (knows someone will scream over this), but it is being worked on. Not all problems will be solved obviouslly, but some chinks will be made in the Y2K Dragon's scales.

"4. 1999 will bring failures as early as January and even a few brownouts will occur that are directly attributed to y2k. "

Failures in January...going out on a limb are we? Brownouts 8shrugs shoulders* maybe. Really haven't seen that one discussed before, so I will give it to you if they can be traced directly to Y2K. Winter storm induced problems don't count.


-- Rick Tansun (, November 11, 1998.

Rick-dunno about the other stuff, but i believe that he is talking about the latest big news on Art Bell. (correct me if i'm wrong, but it goes along with the theme of the original post). Richard C. Hoagland has been predicting a final landing on December 17 of this year by an extraterrestrial probe. Supposedly a big government coverup, etc. That would fall in with the 'so earth shattering it will make you rethink all your values' theme.

-- Damian Solorzano (, November 11, 1998.

I've never listened to Art Bell, only heard about him from friends. They were mumbling something the other day about UFO's and December, but I wasn't paying much attention.

"Supposedly a big government coverup, etc."

But of course:) I once wondered to myself, if every conspiracy people claim exist, really did exist, aren't the odd's in favor of everyone in this country being involved in at least one of them?:)

Rick *tounge firmly planted in cheek on that last one*

-- Rick Tansun (, November 11, 1998.

Having worked with many small business and Y2K issues, I can firmly state that as of Dec. 25, 1998 (without any doubts of being wrong) that my 2 1/2 and 6 yr old little girls are going to like the boxes the toys come in better than the toys themselves. I think I'll call it the Year 2000 X-mas box problem. Beyond that prediction, nothing is written in stone and we just don't know. I think that's why so many of us can't let it rest at all. If we knew, we'd have a plan of action, or a course to follow. I've always been one that felt I could handle almost anything, as long as I knew what was coming. Now that's the problem, I just don't know.

-- Greg Sugg (, November 11, 1998.

Perhaps the UFOs will attack Iraq. Nov 17th is the day before the FI Group Quiz night at the Ibis Club, nothing else. PS anyone here seen a UFO or been abducted.

-- Richard Dale (, November 11, 1998.

"Having worked with many small business and Y2K issues, I can firmly state that as of Dec. 25, 1998 (without any doubts of being wrong) that my 2 1/2 and 6 yr old little girls are going to like the boxes the toys come in better than the toys themselves. I think I'll call it the Year 2000 X-mas box problem."


"Beyond that prediction, nothing is written in stone and we just don't know. I think that's why so many of us can't let it rest at all. If we knew, we'd have a plan of action, or a course to follow. I've always been one that felt I could handle almost anything, as long as I knew what was coming. Now that's the problem, I just don't know."

Hit the nail on the head. I am an extremly busy person. I live my life on a tight schedule and when it is time to get something done, I get it done and move on. My life is extremly rigid in that manner. That is what pisses me off about Y2K, LET'S JUST GET THIS OVER WITH!!!!! I HAVE THINGS TO DO! Whether it be a bump or disaster, come on...hurry up. I hate waiting! (My family Doctor, whom I have seen since 1979, actually seems me within 5 minutes of my scheduled appointment. Otherwise he finds nail marks in his waiting room furniture:)


-- Rick Tansun (, November 11, 1998.

"Y2K, LET'S JUST GET THIS OVER WITH!!!!! I HAVE THINGS TO DO"... Rick, you said it!

I'm on that emotional roller coaster again and I really do wish it would be all over with, or, I would wake up from this strange dream.

I've already decided that this Christmas will be a big one for my little boy and I'm also trying to make as many preparations as possible before 1999 begins, so I've been busy!

"1. The DJIA will begin to fall deeply after the 17th of November. This will set off a serious of catastrophic economic events which will lead to the collapse of confidence around the world."

I heard the Fed Reserve Govs were suppose to meet around this time about the economy and another interest rate cut. But, there are the Leonids... I dunno... maybe the meteors will take out the Fed Govs. I also have read that Brazil is in very, very dire economic conditions. That could be a catalyst. However, I've heard many, many people talk about a huge collapse of the DIJA before the end of this year.

"2. In December, there will be an event so extreme that it will rock the inhabitants of the earth to their knees and everyone will be forced to review their own priorities. "

I've been listening to Art and Richard Hoagland talk about December 7th and the EQ Pegasi stuff. There are some interesting things about this because it ties into other things like the Great Pyamid, the Electromagnetic Null Zone and some really strange other stuff. Also, this "landing" is supposed to take place in Arizona, somewhere outside Phoenix. Anyone remember the lights over Phoenix a while back? Oh, and guess what? The Vatican has a telescope in Arizona... kinda interesting.

"3. 1999 will bring frantic, almost warlike conditions as companies and governments fight and pay top dollar for programming help. So much money thrown at a problem that should have been taken care of before now."

Kinda weak and not much of a prediction, no standing out on a limb here. It plays right into the big PANIC when corps and the gov start their full court press to try and make it. I think "warlike" means fighting for available resources.

"4. 1999 will bring failures as early as January and even a few brownouts will occur that are directly attributed to y2k." I

Brownouts in January, 1999? I doubt it. But, I did hear that story about the power facility in Scandanavia or somewhere that rolled over their systems and crashed. Was that for 1999 or 2000 roll over? I can't see how there could be failures as early as January though.

Okay... here's my prediction >>>

5. President Clinton will not be impeached but he will leave office for some reason before the end of his term. He will be subject to prosecution upon leaving office but it wont happen, he'll be pardoned.

yeah, not much of a prediction. How about...

6. Ross Perot will begin the Reform Party campaign early in 1999 on a y2k platform. The Dems and Reps will scorn him for being an alarmist. Ross will not be the Reform Party Candidate. A mainstream political personality will step away from their party and run under the Reform Party ticket. It will mark the beginning of a new political revolution.

Of course, I could be wrong!

Mike =================================

-- Michael Taylor (, November 11, 1998.

For some reason this thread brought to mind the movie American Werewolf in London. Funny, terrifying and entertaining all at the same time. I've bicycled through the part of Wales were it was filmed. Easy to believe in werewolves when you spend a cold, black night on the moors. A year ago I would have made fun of the more fringe stuff. Now I just grunt and load another mag for the SKS.

-- R. D..Herring (, November 11, 1998.

I wouldn't pay much attention to any prediction that ufo's are coming at some specific date, especially not from Hoagland - who is frankly not very good as sorting fact from fiction, nor from Art Bell - who doesn't usually see the need to. Don't get me wrong, I'm a card-carrying saucer-nut, I've just heard too many predictions along these lines before, and I don't see how Dick and Art would be able to find out beforehand. As for the more general prediction that something "big" will happen in December...c'mon dude, don't tease us. Put up or shut up. DJIA crash soon is a possibility due to Brazil, y2k, unmeetable margin calls, jap bank insolvency, other things that ain't public knowledge...wouldn't like to put a date on it. The biggest players with the best inside info still have a hard time predicting such things, little old us have less of a chance, even though, as a group, we are fairly brilliant info-processors as evidenced by our y2k "get-it" status. I predict uncertain times..pretty brave, no?

-- humpty dumpty (, November 11, 1998.

Just one prediction:

Things will continue to happen to people, some of them good, some bad.

-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw, GA) (, November 11, 1998.

ah, a counter-prediction if I, if that's even a legitimate english construction...but anyway:

I predict that NOTHING of major significance having anything to do with either extraterrestrials or archeaology, or any other such nonsense will happen in December and that Art Bell (who, I believe also claims, or claimed, that he shot it out with space aliens a couple of years ago) and his followers will then scream that it's all part of a giant worldwide conspiracy NOT to tell anyone...

Arlin Adams

-- Arlin H. Adams (, November 11, 1998.

Outthere, I too have "lurked" at this sight for a quite awhile. I even made my own predition based on extensive research that the markets would crater. WELL how dumb was I!!!!

The markets went UP over 20% and I got non the richer over my pessimism.

My new preditions are: 1. We have nothing to worry about Brother Greenspan is in control. The sky is the limit for the markets.

2. Imperialistic America will bomb the heck out of Iraq. good for buisness you know.

3. The frantic event in December will be the hassel at the malls.

4. Damien, I mean Bill Clinton , will continue to work his magic and serve a third term.

5. Y2K impact.....????


My predictions about PUBLIC reaction to Y2K:

January 1999 --- Public mildly concerned

February 1999 --- Public mildly, but a bit more concerned

April 1999 --- Public moderately concerned

July/August 1999 --- Public has panicked. Government takes extraordinary measures to divert public attention from Y2K.

-- Kevin (, November 11, 1998.

I read a post in one of these on line forums that said Programmers were going to attempt to upload a Y2K fix to one of the Major Major satellites that we (and the infrastructure) depends upon. (I cant for the life of me remember the name they cited. Anyway, to avoid a public Y2K panic they were scheduling this to take place on Nov 16th so that if the thing went belly up unfixable they could blame it one the Leonid meteor shower and postpone Y2K panic. Even the evening news now is warning to expect some satellites to go down on Nov 17.

-- Ann Fisher (, November 11, 1998.

"July/August 1999 --- Public has panicked. Government takes extraordinary measures to divert public attention from Y2K. "

Huh? You think the public, which you rpedicts will be growing in awareness, will suddenly be distracted by the shiny object the goverment is holding in its other hand? I think once someone becomes Y2K aware, that is pretty much it.

Now, if we were discussing my cocker spaniel....that's a whole nother matter;)


-- Rick Tansun (, November 11, 1998.

The government will TRY to divert the public's panic, Rick. I'm not saying the government will be successful.

Without getting esoteric or going into conspiracy theories I have major doubts about, I'd say a war would be as good a distraction as any.

-- Kevin (, November 11, 1998.

Just found out another interesting tidbit about November 17th... it's the end of the 90 Russian debt moratorium.

So, we have the Fed Reserve meeting, the end of the 90 day Russian debt moratorium AND the Leonid meteor shower all on the same day... can you say bad vibes?

Mike ==================================================================

-- Michael Taylor (, November 12, 1998.

As the clock ticks over to 01/01/00, 00:00:00 in New Zealand, everyone in N. Zed-land, turns off all the electrical stuff they have on, hangs up their phone or doesn't answer it as the case may be and doesn't flush any toilets or turn on any taps. They get the Radio and TV stations in on it, and at the appropriate time, they go off the air. No one drives their car, the motor-coach and rail companies play along, as do the airlines. The NZ government has refused to go with the gag, but it's frantic protestations are widely viewed by the rest of the world as the propaganda of a previously unknown revolutionary group that has siezed the government's radio stations.

The populace all listen to the rest of us on their solar powered/hand-cranked/battery radio/TVs and wait until April 1st to tell the rest of the world.

-- Hardliner (, November 12, 1998.

I predict that in five seconds, you will read something so profound that your eyeballs will twirl around as you realize that you are indeed encountering a sage of prophetic importance..................

Here it is.........Your wait is over......Yes, it is ........Oh wait, I have to burp first.......Okay, now I'm ready...........

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're NOT out to get you."

WHOA!!!!.........was that profound or what. Would you say it was immersed in profoundness, or would that be profunctity......Am I even allowed to say profunctity on a family web site....will Jerry Falwell approve?

Okay, now that I have clearly established my credentials as being a sage or at least having enough sagitity to sound very clever, even more clever than Ross Perot, the predictions will now roll off my very tongue.

The Christmas predictions are pretty much right on track.....likely occur on December 25th..........presents and stuff.......small kids enjoying toilet roll holders.....yup.......Christmas carols galore.......more winter storms......snow in many areas....

The alien thing is stale by worries there for most of us.....grand plan only affects small geographic area.....master plan includes sucking the brains out of residents of Texas only.........

Whoops! they've already finished phase I.................Okay, well no further need for alarm unless you live in the triangular shaped area defined by the three corner points of Bangor, Maine....Tampa Bay, Florida........and San Diego, California........

Solar flares a bit of a bother......this Y2K thing will do some damage............some more floods....assorted tornadoes......Buffalo Bills win the Superbowl thanks to Doug Flutie...........

US attacks Iraq........big mistake.......leaves door open for Canada to outflank US forces and annex USA as 11th province......think your taxes were bad before!!!!........Quebec separates from enhanced Canada claiming that very few Americans want to speak French and besides you all have weird accents except for a few puritans around New Orleans.......

December 1999.......Bill Clinton announces that he has discovered a cure for the millennium bug...........invites press to whitehouse to see...............much umbrage when Clinton reveals that secret fix- it plans are in fact hidden in his underpants........

Civilization goes on .......... never realized that Road Warrior was in fact a documnetary......

-- Craig (, November 12, 1998.

Asked for clarification from another forum this is the response:

Message: Richard Hoagland on Art bell show Monday, Nov. 9th said the EQ-Pegasus signal was from a space craft going 4000 miles per second. It is slowing down in a logrithmic rate. At the doppler effect rate of deceleration it will land in USA Dec. 7th.

Humm. Time to do a little digging.


Just an aside note. A long time ago, before Richard Hoagland ever wrote his Face On Mars book, I was in a meeting with a Vice President at S.R.I. Stanford Research Institute. After the meeting he brought out 2 large collections of research data on the Mars photographs marked Confidential. A government funded project was looking into the matter. He let me read everything, and even take the files off-site with the agreement that I wouldnt copy anything (which I did not). Fascinating reading! He asked me to show the information to a couple other people so someone outside S.R.I. would know about it. The government was taking the project quite seriously. Then they cancelled the S.R.I. research project because ther was no commercial viability to it. Or did they?


-- Diane J. Squire (, November 12, 1998.

Gee, OutThere at ( I think you're being way to Sphinx like.

Oh, sorry, Hoagland's book was "Monuments On Mars" and Randy's was about the face.


-- Diane J. Squire (, November 12, 1998.

"Mr. T's prediction, is for pain"

-Mr. T

-- Uncle Deedah (, November 12, 1998.

I have a correction here on something I said earlier. My first guess about why OutThere mentioned November 17th was the Federal Reserve Board meeting this month. Checked though and found out it's on November **19th**.

OutThere is probably worried about the Leonid shower...or...what might happen to satellites near that same time frame...

-- Kevin (, November 13, 1998.

At the doppler effect rate of deceleration it (a space craft?) will land in USA Dec. 7th. "no it won't"

-- Richard Dale (, November 13, 1998.

Don't you know everything happens only in the USA Richard? The rest of the world is safe from aliens, Hollywood says so ;-)

-- Chris (, November 13, 1998.

Yes the aliens will leave the rest of us alone. Oh, my prediction for Diane is very optimistic: she will find her soul mate and live happily ever after. I'm always right as de yourdon posters have found out to their cost. I've had these unaccountable time losses, 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there, think I was abducted for short periods. Each time they operated on my brain. Now I know everything that has happened and will happen. Hasn't improved my typin tho.

-- Richard Dale (, November 13, 1998.

BTW...anyone wanting info on the rumor about what might happen to satellites on November 18th (NOT caused by meteors), check this article out on Gary North's site---

-- Kevin (, November 13, 1998.

OK, my Y2K predictions . . .

1. Power grid -- Some blackouts (less than week in duration). Some brownouts and/or rationing (these occurring off and on maybe for a few hours at a time until all power generation facilities are at 100% -- maybe for year or more). Cost of electricity skyrockets so high that no one can afford to use it until government steps in and fixes prices or takes over the utility industry.

2. Jobs -- Significant number of companies will go out of business and/or be bought out. Some due to not being ready for Y2K (those who are ready are just waiting to step in and grab the market). Others due to the combined impact of the costs to fix Y2K, the Asian/Russia/Latin American economic meltdowns, and other factors will not survive resulting in a large economic shuffle. Some companies disappear, other, presently obscure companies, rise to the challenge. High unemployment rate during the lengthy transition.

3. Wall Street -- Costs to fix Y2K plus losses due to Asian/Latin America market meltdown (i.e. Bank of America) will cut into profits making stock market ill prior to 2000. Year 2000 hits and the economic shuffle previously mentioned occurs combined with major league Y2K problems overseas (Japan, Germany, etc.). Result, worldwide recession (perhaps depression).

4. No End To Modern Era -- I do not believe that we will return to living circa 1900. What's coming is a series of severe disruptions, not destructions. As Seven of Nine would say -- "We will adapt".

5. The vast majority of the actual damage will be incurred from panic and fear.

6. UFO Landing Aborted -- On December 8th, ufo "insiders" led by a re-emerged Art Bell announce that the planned ufo landing/takeover was suddenly aborted due to the stark realization that earthlings are entirely too gullible to be of any use to an alien civilization. New Agers immediately seek to perpetuate the ufo-myth by initiating plans for a worldwide day of "Chanting" asking everyone on the planet to join together to feel good and project positive thoughts and repeatedly chant the following psychic invitation to our would-be occupiers, "Come O Ugly Ones".

-- David (, November 13, 1998. radio receiver has so much static, and there are so many voices...reception is terrible. Now I hear something: THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (turn down the volume) is the time of the opening of the Sixth Seal of the Book of Revelation. The time of the beginning of the end. (The 3rd Vision of Fatima?)

Oh, darn, more static...more voices. There, now it's clear again. The voice is saying something about APRIL 1999 (turn down the volume again)...In April of 1999 there will be a SUN FLARE so devastating to the earth that over 1/3 of the population will be killed.

More squawking and squealling. The radio just went dead. No more voices (for now).

-- Ears (, November 13, 1998.

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