My Contract For Grade 98-99 : LUSENET : M.Ed./International Falls : One Thread

My Contract For Grade 98-99

-- Anonymous, November 04, 1998


My contract for grading will include the following projects: for an "A" 1. I will be volunteering on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the remainder of the school year to read to and with children in Mrs. Johnsons 1st grade class who may not get the support they need at home. I will keep a journal of my experience. 2. I am working with social services to become more involved in the Wrap Around Program. It is to be determined how much time I will spend with children after school or involved in other meaningful activities. 3. I am also planning on reading a book and submitting a report. (I am still narrowing down my choices.) 4. I am signed up to do an article for the International Falls paperunfortunately I am at the end of the list. 5. I would also like to spend time in classrooms observing throughout the district while my daughter is in school. This would take place over the next year and one-half. I would keep a journal of my experiences. Making note of techniques, activities and best practices that may suit me upon my return to teaching.

-- Anonymous, November 18, 1998

5. My husband and I are currently scheduled to participate in four 3-4 day camping trips through the Wrap Around Program this summer 1999. I would like to include this as part of my "A" requirement.

We will take 3-5 kids predetermined by social services.

Acitivites include fishing, cooking, tubing, storytelling, hiking, swimming, and any other activities the children suggest!!

-- Anonymous, November 18, 1998

I am hoping to fulfill the "A" requirements for both years through this contract.

-- Anonymous, November 18, 1998

Hi Kim, Your submission sound like it is tailored to meet your needs in your current and best prepare you for your return to a classroom someday. By working with at-risk students such as the ones you will be assigned, you will need to examine various techniques that would best with particular individuals - this will be a great learning opportunity for you and the documantation will fulfill the requirements for both of the years. Good luck to you, Mary Ann

-- Anonymous, December 12, 1998

My contract for grading will include the following projects: for an "A"

**Please note changes**

1. I will be volunteering on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the remainder of the school year to read to and with children in Mrs. Johnsons 1st grade class who may not get the support they need at home. I will also teach all of Mrs. Johnsons students, in pairs, how to utilize all of the classroom software and proper computer techniques. I will keep a journal of my experience. I am working with one child quite extensively in reading. 2. I am working with social services to become more involved in the Wrap Around Program. It is to be determined how much time I will spend with children after school or involved in other meaningful activities. I have not been approachedI believe that they need more male role models? ***I think I would like to omit this from my contract for grade*** 3. I am also planning on reading a book and submitting a report. (I am still narrowing down my choices.) Responsive Classroom? 4. I am signed up to do an article for the International Falls paperunfortunately I am at the end of the list. The topic I would like to research and present is on understanding and managing stress as a parent. I would like to present some useful techniques for parents to try and remind them that parenting isnt an easy jobfor anybody! I am gathering information 5. I would also like to spend time in classrooms observing throughout the district while my daughter is in school. This would take place over the next year and one-half. I would keep a journal of my experiences. Making note of techniques, activities and best practices that may suit me upon my return to teaching. Maybe some teachers will invite me into their classrooms??? 6. My husband and I are currently scheduled to participate in four 3-4 day camping trips through the WrapAround Program this summer 1999. I would like to include this as part of my "A" requirement.

*We will take 3-5 kids predetermined by social services.

*Acitivites include fishing, cooking, tubing, storytelling, hiking, swimming, and any other activities the children suggest!!

-- Anonymous, January 29, 1999

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