DP and Editor Sought

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

I'm seeking to build a relationship with a talented hungry DP and as well a skilled editor for my forthcoming feature. If you are interested and in the LA area, I'd like to hear from you.

-Maxie Collier

-- Maxie Collier (dvfilmmaker@hotmail.com), November 03, 1998


Hi Maxie--

I am in Long Beach. I am interested in shooting a short and a feature length project in 1999. I have a DSR300 camera and a non- linear system in-house. I would invite you (and anyone else who has a project in planning) to contact me about a possible alliance.

-Gracie McKay www.mermaidstudios.com

-- Grace McKay (mermaid@oc-net.com), November 28, 1998.

Dear Maxie

I am an editor and producer. I have my own post production facility in Culver City. If interested please call or Email


-- chris mccartney (chriscam@aol.com), November 27, 2001.

We are a production, post production Co. that can provide a complete turnkey solution from A to Z from a complete camera crew to in studio videotaping facilities to the final post production editing. Located in Laval, just north of Montreal (5min.) Quebec, Canada, Our high performance suites are real time NON COMPRESSED 4:2:2 (4Hrs in non compressed mode) running: IMC Incite, Autodesk 3D MAX, Eyon Digital Fusion, Inscriber Title Motion. Sound is processed with Merging Mycherinos 64 tracks in real time. We support the Following: Video; VHS, S-VHS, Betacam, Betacam SP, Betacam SX, Digital Betacam, D-9, DV, DV CAM, DVC PRO. Audio; From 32KHz to 384 KHz, Surround Sound 5.1 Remember, rates are in Canadian money...

-- Philippe Lemieux (prodparlimage@hotmail.com), August 20, 2002.

Hey Maxie,

I am very interested in speaking with you about your project. I do not know how old this posting is, but I just moved back to L.A. from Chicago and am looking for people to conect with. I am actually putting together a Filmmaking group every Sunday. Would like for you to come and we could talk about your needs.

I am in the Culver City area.


Brian Stephens http://www.pixel-flick.tv

-- Brian Stephens (bstephens_pfetv@yahoo.com), November 13, 2003.

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